Kάλεσμα βοήθειας για την Μακεδονία

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Please take just a few short moments to support this.
 Please also forward this message to your mailing lists.

A campaign has been started to make everyone aware of the one and only real
and true Macedonia which is one of the three northern provinces of Greece.
It is time for Hellenes and phil-Hellenes worldwide to unite and protect
our Macedonia. This is our chance. If we don’t raise our voice now, we may as
well stay silent forever.

One part of this campaign is to spread a hand-out/poster such that it
reaches every corner of the world. This hand-out/poster is available at: http://www.macedoniaontheweb.eu/enPlease print, copy, post and forward this hand-out/poster to everyone you

The second part of this campaign is to sign your name to a petition. This
 can be done by going to:http://www.macedoniaontheweb.eu/en/petition  and
entering the information requested.

Εργαστήρια Κυριαρχίας Θεών

Please also ask your relatives, friends, and associations/organizations to
 sign. Associations can sign in this link: http://www.macedoniaontheweb.eu/en/supporters


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